The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Actions to minimize the impact of heat on the municipality residents in the summer of 2020


The Chisinau City Hall reports that the local authorities have approved an action plan to protect the population from extremely high temperatures in the summer of 2020, taking into account that the heat is a risk factor for economic and social activities at the level of administrative-territorial units.

Thus, according to Disposition No. 295-d of June 23, 2020 "On measures to minimize the impact of hot temperature on the health of the  Chisinau's population", the responsibilities of decision-makers in the local public administration of the Chisinau municipality were specified, both structural departments and municipal enterprises, ,,Apa-Canal Chisinau”  Municipal Enterprise JSC,  "Green Spaces Management Association" Municipal Enterprise, agricultural markets, etc. were defined in order to ensure the intervention measures.

During the hot weather, municipal departments, together with the Public Health Center in Chisinau and the Municipal Department for Food Safety, will ensure the quality of perishable products by checking the conditions of food storage in markets; monitoring of the sanitary condition of water basins, beaches and drinking water in centralized sources; training staff in the public service field during of hot weather, etc.

At the same time, during the reference period, the municipal authorities will ensure the proper operation of artesian wells in the municipality; the placement of mobile drinking water points in public parks of the municipality; the placement of trade units selling soft drinks and ice cream, including in crowded areas of the city and in recreation areas; the organization of primary health care posts in public and private medical institutions in  Chisinau; the functioning of agricultural markets in hot conditions with increased sanitary measures on their territory; informing citizens about protection measures in hot weather and the application of fire prevention measures, etc.

The structural departments within the local public administration of Chisinau will ensure the adaptation and improvement of working conditions to maintain the health of employees throughout the summer; will provide employees with drinking water in the necessary daily amount; organize alternating periods of work and rest in shady places for employees working in open spaces, in direct sunlight, and providing personal protective equipment. In their turn, the Pretors of the Districts' City Halls that are part of the Chisinau municipality will ensure that drinking water points are placed in institutions.

General recommendations for the population in the period of high air temperature: drink 2 liters of water per day, avoid alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks, eat fresh fruits and vegetables; reduce the intensity of physical activity in the middle of the day; protect yourself from the sun at noon; wear light clothing made of natural fibers; avoid bathing in standing water, etc.