A model menu was approved for the kindergartens in Chisinau


Chisinau City Hall informs that today the MODEL MENU was approved for the children from the early education institutions in the capital, with an activity regime of 9.5-10 hours, for the winter-spring season. The document was coordinated by the deputy head of GDECYS, Andrei Pavaloi and endorsed by the head of the Chisinau Public Health Center, Eudochia Tcaci.

The unique model menu will be implemented by all early education institutions starting with February 1, 2021. "If it is Monday and the model menu indicates "fish dishes", then kindergartens must give these products to the children, as well as, fresh fruits must be served at the breakfasts. Thus, GDECYS wants parents to know these details about their children's nutrition and make the kindergarten principals more responsible", mentioned Andrei Pavaloi.

For each district, the model menu is prepared for ten days, after which it is repeated, starting with the first day. The kindergarten in the capital must provide fresh fruit and vegetables on the children's table daily, bread must be made from wholemeal flour, and the daily amount of pasta, fat and salt must be reduced.

Therefore, the children's breakfast will consist mostly of porridge (millet, rice, oats, semolina, wheat or buckwheat). There will be tea and bread with butter. Fresh fruit must be served at breakfast. In the model menus, for lunch and dinner, there are different types of soups, chicken, beef, fish and vegetables. The menus will be the same in all kindergartens within the districts.

The model menu was drawn up with the participation of the heads of district education departments and kindergarten managers, in collaboration with the Public Health Center and National Agency for Food Safety and will serve as a norm for providing food for children in kindergartens. GDECYS decided to publish the document, as until now, not all the kindergartens have complied with the established standards.







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