Holding the transnational conference Online Education without Borders


The Chisinau City Hall informs that during January 5-6, 2021, the transnational conference Online Education without Borders is taking place in the capital. The event is organized by the General Department of Education, Youth and Sports, based on the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova and Chisinau City Hall on May 27, 2020, so as to diversify and improve online curricular content, as well as to create a digital didactic tool that would facilitate the access to the educational process, in order to implement the “educatieonline.md” Digital Library Project.

"Online education without borders" is a project launched by the General Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Chisinau in October 2020, which brings together over 3600 institutions and about 7200 teachers from the Republic of Moldova and Romania.

During two days, 22 virtual workshops will be organized on the following topics: distance learning; trans-, inter- and multidisciplinary approach, implementation of transnational school projects, development of digital skills of students and teachers.

The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, attending this pedagogical online conference,  greeted the participants. The mayor mentioned that, despite the epidemiological situation, education must run its course.

"I appreciate the receptivity of teachers in Chisinau, who, in March 2020, responded to the call of the City Hall to create a digital library. After 10 months of activity, we realize that it was a successful initiative, although at the beginning we did not know what the result would be and how we would develop this library of resources ", mentioned the mayor.

The project "Online education without borders" aims to develop, transfer and implement innovative practices in education through web platforms for distance communication and to implement joint educational initiatives for the purpose of promotion, cooperation, mutual learning and exchange of experience at European level; offering the possibility of educational institutions from the Republic of Moldova and Romania to collaborate at transnational level, sharing and confronting ideas, practices or working methods, thus producing tangible results.

Currently, the "educatieonline.md" platform contains about 4700 video spots, in Romanian and Russian, as well as interactive games to consolidate knowledge, prepare for graduation exams and teaching materials that help teachers, students and parents.



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