International Forum of Participatory Budgeting Practitioners, 4th Edition

The Office of Public Relations and Civil Budget of the Chisinau Municipality, as well as representatives of the civil society, participated in the 4th edition of the International Forum of Participatory Budgeting Practitioners.

The event was held on January 17-18, in the Poltava city (Ukraine). The international conference was attended by about 260 representatives of municipalities, the associative sector, and the business environment from Ukraine, Poland, Portugal, Belarus, and Great Britain.

The main topics of the forum concerned the implementation and improvement of the public budget program, urban development, effective communication with citizens, the organization and operation of the public budget.

In addition, participants had the opportunity to exchange best practices within working panels, discuss the opportunities offered by the program, and also analyze problems / opportunities for the  civil budget development as a whole.

During the discussions, representatives of the Chisinau City Hall and civil society shared their experiences regarding the implementation of the Citizens Budget project.

The Citizens Budget project was launched in Chisinau municipality in 2017. The priority areas for the capital are the modernization of urban infrastructure, the restoration of cultural heritage, local democracy and a Smart City.





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