Marking the World Patient Safety Day

Chisinau City Hall informs that September 17 was marked the World Day of Patient Safety, which has the message "Safety of health workers: a priority for patient safety."

This day is an opportunity for public awareness, understanding and solidarity in the context of joint actions to promote the objective of patient safety and medical staff in public health.

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed major challenges and risks both for the population and for the medical workers, who fight every day. In addition to the risks to their own health, medical workers are also subject to psychological stress, given that the activity carried out may require long-term separation from their families, but also a certain confrontation with the phenomenon of social stigma.

WHO calls for an appeal, stressing that during the pandemic period through COVID-19 one of the primary tasks is to ensure the health of medical workers, while calling for investment in public health, raising the level of safety of the work of medical staff, in order to reduce work-related stress and exhaustion; improving the use of personal protective equipment; promoting zero tolerance to violence against health workers and analyzing safety-related incidents.


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