Signing a collaboration agreement for tourism development in Chisinau

Ion Ceban, the General Mayor of Chisinau and Cristina Frolov, the President of the National Association for Inbound Tourism in the Republic of Moldova (ANTRIM) signed today February 27th, 2020 a collaboration agreement for the development of inbound tourism in the capital.

The purpose of the document is to develop and strengthen cooperation in the field of promoting Chisinau as a tourist destination and attracting foreign tourists.

Ion Ceban mentioned that in the next period the parties intend to implement several tourism development projects in order to attract investments in the capital. Also, local, regional, international events will be organized which aim are to promote the image of Chisinau.

,, We have beautiful places and a tourist potential that needs to be developed. Our culture is rich, our places are unique and the cuisine is special. That is why we must invest forces to make it possible for the fame of the city of Chisinau to be taken abroad. At the same time we must arouse the curiosity of tourists for them to visit the Republic of Moldova and especially the capital, the heart of our country where 80% of all accommodation structures, cultural institutions and historical places are concentrated ", the General Mayor mentioned.

The Mayor of the capital stressed that the Chisinau City Hall will support through the municipal departments the coordination of activities and will facilitate the implementation of projects planned under the Agreement and the activity of the Tourist Information Center.

In his turn, the president of ANTRIM communicated that by signing this agreement the association of the tourism industry will have the role of the management organization of the Chisinau tourist destination.

"Through the activities that we will carry out jointly we will contribute to the tourist development of the city of Chisinau. It should be mentioned that the support and importance that the City Hall gives in this field is paramount ", Cristina Frolov concluded.

It should be mentioned that ANTRIM implements projects meant to promote the Republic of Moldova as a tourist destination abroad by representing at specialized events, fairs and international exhibitions and manages promotion campaigns locally and internationally.




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