“Stay safe” – The authorities are urging to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection as part of the national communication campaign


The National Communication Group and the Health, Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MSMPS), together with the Chisinau City Hall, in the context of the alarming increase in the number of cases of infection with COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova, launches the "Stay safe" information and accountability campaign.

The campaign’s goal is to inform the citizens about the risks of infection with COVID-19 and, at the same time, to educate a spirit of solidarity with those who every day fight for the life of each patient in the first line.  

Stay safe - travel safely, study safely, work safely, celebrate safely! These are the calls for the behavior change, which the authorities and health specialists recommend to the citizens in order to reduce the risk of infection.

The authorities inform that, on these crisis moments, when the first-line institutions cope with the number of infected patients with difficulty, citizens can contribute to the cease in the spread of COVID-19, showing care for their own health and of their fellows.

Compliance with safety precautions is the most effective solution to prevent infection: wear mask, keep physical distance, wash hands regularly and avoid crowded places.

During the campaign, information materials will be worked out and distributed with the support of the World Health Organization, United Nations Moldova and United Nations Children’s Fund Moldova.   

At the same time, the web platform www.covidinfo.md will be launched in the testing regime. This information instrument will be a content aggregator about the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Moldova. The platform was elaborated by the national communication group and the Labour and Social Protection Ministry (MSMPS), with the support of the World Health Organization and the European Union.

The communication campaign is part of the COVID-19 response plan, elaborated by the Central Public Authorities on the cross-sectoral platform, in order to decrease the risk of COVID-19 infection in the Republic of Moldova.


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