Youth Week in Chisinau

Chisinau City Hall informs that in the context of the National Youth Day, marked annually on the second Sunday of November, the General Department of Education, Youth and Sports has prepared a program of activities, involving about 300 people who it aims to increase civic activism and the participation of young people in the decision-making process.

The program also provides activities related to capitalizing on the creative potential of young people, as well as opportunities to spend their free time through non-formal activities.

The activities are organized by the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center, subordinated to the General Department of Education, Youth and Sports, with the involvement of a number of NGOs, local youth councils and public institutions.

Ion Ceban, General Mayor addressed today a  message to this category of citizens, during the operative meeting, mentioning that in his team from the City Hall  there are many young people who are energetic, able to create beautiful things and they are good specialists. "I trust today's young people because I consider them capable of changing their vision of things. I wish everyone success, "the mayor said.

At the same time, Ion Ceban wanted to warn the organizers of the events for young people, regarding the observance of the protection norms for the prevention of COVID-19 infection.


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