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  • Specialized services provided by the Chisinau municipality through the institutions subordinated to the Chisinau Municipal Council to children and families from Ukraine (Campaign ,,Help me to help you!”)

Specialized services provided by the Chisinau municipality through the institutions subordinated to the Chisinau Municipal Council to children and families from Ukraine (Campaign ,,Help me to help you!”)


Specialized services provided by the Chisinau municipality to children and families from Ukraine, through the institutions subordinated to the Chisinau Municipal Council:

The offer of art camps for children.

Does your child have an artistic nature and a lot of energy?

The art schools in Chisinau offer several extracurricular services to children from the community aged between7-19 years.

Extracurricular art education institutions offer to children the opportunity of artistic development and to use their free time with the opportunity to study musical instruments, to develop skills in theatrical art and vocal performance, to learn to dance and paint.

For further details, scan the QR code below and open the associated link.