On Chisinau streets 20 new trolleybuses were launched


Since today on the Chisinau streets 20 new trolleybuses will run. These are the first transport units, of that of 102 bought by Chisinau City Hall for Electric Transport Administration Park. Those trolleys will run on the route no. 22, which is the longest in the city and it links Buiucani and Botanica sectors, passing across the Center sector.

Since today on the Chisinau streets 20 new trolleybuses will run. These are the first transport units, of that of 102 bought by Chisinau City Hall for Electric Transport Administration Park. Those trolleys will run on the route no. 22, which is the longest in the city and it links Buiucani and Botanica sectors, passing across the Center sector.

Trolleys launching on the route was held in the Great National Assembly, and at the event participated the general mayor of Chisinau, Dorin Chirtoaca, municipal councillors, representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Chisinau and common citizens.

In his speech, the mayor claimed that these 102 trolleybuses are the most important acquisition of a public transport units lot for Chisinau in the last 20 years. "It is one of the Chisinau City Hall activity results in the last four years. As a result of implemented reforms, our efforts to renew the public transport park in order to increase the passengers comfort and to optimize the costs, but also to have environmentally friendly means of transport have had success ", noted the general mayor.

Dorin Chirtoaca pointed out that the trolleys meet the European standards, also mentioning their benefits, like 40% lower energy consumption and significantly maintenance lower costs. The trolleybus has 101 places, including 26 seated. The new cars are equipped with electronic information system and automated routing system.

In this context, the mayor of Chisinau expressed the hope that the public transport in the renovation process will unite people, draw them together and they will enjoy them.

Present at the trolley launching ceremony, the European Union's ambassador to Republic of Moldova, Dirk Schuebel mentioned that the new trolleybuses for Chisinau are the evidence of good relations between the EU and Moldova, and Western support for the new trolleybuses purchase is only one of the projects initiated with the Moldovan authorities. The European Ambassador underlined that the project of the new transports units, is a project for the citizens and come to offer comfort to the users.

It is to note that all 102 trolleybuses purchased by Chisinau City Hall will arrive until 1 of June. The new trolleybuses purchasing was made ​​possible thanks to the collaboration between the Chisinau Municipality and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank and European Union. The total project costs of the new trolleybuses in Chisinau represent 13.7 million euro. Of this amount, 10 million are credited by the EBRD and EIB, and 3 million is a grant from the European Union, under the Neighborhood Policy Program.



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