The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Online meeting of the members of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), of which Chisinau municipality is a member


Deputy Mayor Angela Cutasevici participated in an online webinar organised by representatives of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP).

The session presented the new project Collaborating for Urban Food Systems Transformation to Face the Climate Emergency: The Barcelona Challenge for Good Food and Climate MUFPP Cities Working Group.

The Barcelona Challenge addresses two key issues: the mitigation of, and adaptation to, the climate emergency, through ensuring access to sufficient, sustainable, healthy, and nutritious diets for all, therefore preventing food vulnerability and enhancing food justice by engaging in the transition of local agri-food systems.

The Barcelona Challenge for Good Food and Climate aims to overcome these challenges by inspiring and supporting specific action under the six action categories of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact. For each category there is a main focus for the actions to be undertaken.

The working group is made up of MUFPP cities that are working to integrate climate action perspectives into their food policies.

The group is a collaborative effort coordinated and facilitated by RUAF (Resource Centre for Urban Agriculture and Food Security) staff.

The main objectives of the working group are as follows:

  1. Assess the RUAF technical partner’s proposal, inspired by The Barcelona Challenge, of new and/or adapted i) food and climate-related recommended actions, and ii) MUFPP indicators to evaluate the climate action perspective in local food policies; and,
  2. Share information and good practices at the local food policy level and inspire action across diverse cities.

Chisinau became a member of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) in 2021.