Awareness campaign for the public on promoting tuberculosis combat days and marking World Tuberculosis Day – March 24, 2024

The Municipality of Chisinau has approved an action plan for organizing and conducting an awareness campaign for the public to promote tuberculosis combat days under the slogan "Yes! We can defeat tuberculosis" and to mark World Tuberculosis Day – March 24, 2024.

Thus, during the period of March 18-31, 2024, in public spaces with high foot traffic such as markets, bus stations, and on public transport vehicles, audio spots on tuberculosis control will be broadcasted, and informative leaflets will be distributed.

Additionally, on March 23 and 24, 2024, from 10:00 to 15:00, in the square of the UNIC Shopping Center, located at Stefan cel Mare Blvd., No. 8, a pulmonary radiological screening with consultations from a pneumophthisiology doctor (a mobile radiological installation) will be organized.


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