Chisinau City Council approved the Local Anti-Corruption Plan for 2022-2025

On Tuesday, the Chisinau Municipal Council approved the Local Anti-Corruption Plan of the Chisinau Local Public Administration for 2022-2025. The general purpose of the Chisinau LPA Anti-Corruption Action Plan is to strengthen the tools for preventing the risks of corruption.

The document includes 6 priorities deduced from the analysis of the problems at the level of the Chisinau LPA which are coordinated with the priorities provided by the Anti-Corruption Action Plan approved by the Government. These refer to:

  • strengthening institutional integrity, through the proper application of anti-corruption legislation;
  • efficient and transparent management of the municipal patrimony;
  • increasing the transparency of the public procurement process,
  • increasing the quality of public services provided to citizens;
  • improving communication with citizens and increasing the transparency of LPA activity;
  • reduction of corruption factors in the process of issuing permissive documents.

At the same time, the Plan provides for 100 actions / measures to achieve the stated objectives, with the exact specification of the deadlines, indicators of progress and expected results.

The local anti-corruption plan is a working tool of the Chisinau LPA, with the mission of designing and ensuring the management of the prevention of risks and factors of corruption and of strengthening the institutional integrity.

The approval of the document is determined by the need to implement the National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy for 2017-2020, approved by Parliament Decision no. 56 of March 30, 2017.

The financial sources necessary for the implementation of the actions provided in the Local Anti-Corruption Plan will be approved in the Chisinau Municipal Budget for 2022-2025.

In this context, the Mayor General, Ion Ceban, mentioned that certain activities included in the Anti-Corruption Plan have already been implemented. These refer to the land sale, which takes place only on the basis of a public auction. The procedure for recording everything related to patrimony has also been initiated. Moreover, all public procurements are carried out through the "achiziț" platform.

The mayor of the capital has established as one of the priorities for his mandate that the Chisinau City Hall or the activity of the Chisinau LPA become the most transparent in the republic.

The local anti-corruption plan was consulted with specialists in the field, with civil society and with all interested citizens.



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