Chisinau City Hall joins the European initiative "European Mobility Week"

Chisinau City Hall joins the European initiative "European Mobility Week", held on September 16-22, which promotes alternative forms of green transport, helping to reducing air pollution, noise pollution, accidents and reducing the number of overweight people.

Thus, the local public administration Chisinau submitted an application for registration and together with the cycling community have certain proposals for events, including "The fancy Women Bike Ride Chisinau" and "In the city without a car", about which we will communicate later.

Ion Ceban, the General Mayor, urges the inhabitants of the city to accept the challenge of using the bicycle to travel this week, to go to work by public transport, bicycle or scooter.

In this context, the municipal authorities agreed that on Sunday, September 20, 2020, 31 August 1989 Street, in the perimeter of Serghei Lazo Street - Vasile Alecsandri Street, to be used exclusively for pedestrians.

Also, within the "European Mobility Week" initiative the municipality will present the project "Renovation of  31 August 1989 Street and its transformation into a green corridor". The event will take place on Sunday, at 13:00, in the square of the "Gheorghe Asachi" high school from Al. Pushkin Street.

In the week of 16-22 September 2020, hundreds of cities in Europe are exploring practical solutions to improve the quality of urban life and testing alternative transport solutions.



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