Chisinau will accede to the Covenant of Mayors - European Union on Climate and Sustainable Energy

The City Hall informs that the Chisinau municipality will accede to the Convention of Mayors on Climate and Sustainable Energy. The draft decision on this regard was approved by a majority votes by the Chisinau Municipal Council.

The intention to adhere the EU Mayors' Convention on Climate and Sustainable Energy involves the cooperation of the municipality with other public authorities in order to develop a Local Plan for the Development of environment, sustainable energy and renewable resources.

Thus, the Chisinau Local Public Administration aims to reduce the emission of CO2 (including other gases) at least 30% by 2030 by improving energy efficiency using various renewable energy sources, including climate change adaptation.

In addition, the municipality aims to achieve several goals: conducting best practices on energy management; remote monitoring; energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources.

In this context, General Mayor  Ion Ceban noted that it is necessary to carry out an inventory of buildings and municipal public property regarding the efficiency of annual energy consumption expenditures. The investment potential for harnessing and developing external projects on the energy and the environment is also to be attracted.

Proiect de decizie „Cu privire la aprobarea intenției de aderare a municipiului Chișinău la Convenția Primarilor UE privind clima și energia durabilă"




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