The President of the Republic of Moldova visited Chisinau City Hall today

Ion Ceban, the General Mayor met Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova at Chisinau City Hall. The discussion of the two officials focused on several topical issues for the city namely: the ongoing today in the City municipal projects, the objectives set by the current administration of the capital for the development of Chisinau.

The Mayor of the capital wanted to mention that for the good functioning of the municipality any exchange of opinions and experience is welcome and the collaboration that currently exists between the central state institutions and the local public administration can boost the processes to improve the quality of life of Chisinau.

In this context, Ion Ceban informed about the work agenda of the municipality for the next period, referring also to the problems that the city is now facing and that need urgent solution. "We have clear commitments to the citizens so we must achieve all the proposed objectives," the General Mayor said.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Socialist Party faction of the Chisinau Municipal Council.




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