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  • The position of the Chisinau City Hall regarding the statements made during the press conference organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection

The position of the Chisinau City Hall regarding the statements made during the press conference organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection


Government and branch ministries are increasingly politicized lately, and interference in the affairs of local public authorities has become increasingly abusive.

Until today, the Government and the line ministries have not responded to why, in a discriminatory form, only Chisinau residents and ATU Gagauzia were deprived of funding from the state budget for social programs aimed at remunerating personal assistants.

These are social programs and policies that the Government is directly responsible for throughout the Republic of Moldova.

It is discriminatory the current approach from the central authorities, but also today's statement that only in Chisinau were not allocated financial sources for this area, because, as they say, financial sources have not been allocated for this area, those from the Government considered that the Chisinau Worker has provided financial sources.

Chisinau citizens are citizens of the Republic of Moldova who contribute greatly to the formation of the state budget and were excluded from social programs.

The basic purpose was and remains to delegate as many responsibilities as possible to the Chisinau City Hall, without financial allocations, in order to leave the local budget without resources.

These abuses have been transmitted to the court, a complaint will be prepared at the Constitutional Court and we will inform the development partners about discriminatory and anti-European actions towards citizens.