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  • Chisinau City Hall participates for the second consecutive year in the second global meeting of „Partnerships for sustainable cities”

Chisinau City Hall participates for the second consecutive year in the second global meeting of „Partnerships for sustainable cities”


Chisinau City Hall informs that between 12-14 March 2024, in Barcelona, Spain, the second meeting of the Coordination Committee of the EU „Partnerships for Sustainable Cities” is taking place.

The meeting was attended by the General Mayor, Ion Ceban, Deputy Mayor Ilie Ceban and Malgorzata Galus from Lublin, Poland, partners of Chisinau Municipality in the elaboration of the urban mobility plan of the capital.

The event brings together 57 city-to-city partnerships, funded and implemented under this global programme of the European Union. 

Thus, the purpose of the meeting is to sum up the results of the projects, as well as to address the specific problems of sustainable development of cities. Thematic workshops include topics related to territorial planning, waste management, water quality, promoting entrepreneurship, citizen participation, and the circular economy.

During the forum, participants discuss the experiences gained and the results achieved, focusing on improving prosperity and innovation, as well as strengthening urban governance.

The Sustainable Cities Partnership is an initiative launched by the European Commission in 2018 to encourage cities around the world to work together and develop sustainable solutions to urban challenges.

The project "MOVE IT like Lublin", part of the Program, will be implemented by 2025 and will support the transformation of public transport services in Chisinau municipality.