Creation of the Municipal Emergency Center for the Reception and Accommodation of Refugees from Ukraine

Chisinau City Hall informs that starting today "Moldexpo" Center, which is the main municipal accommodation for Ukrainian refugees, will become the center of emergency distribution and accommodation.

The decision was made by the (CES) of Chisinau municipality, convened on Sunday 27.02.2022, in the context of managing the flow of refugees from the neighbouring country.

Thus, all refugees arriving in Chisinau are registered in the "Moldexpo" Center, after which they are distributed to other locations.

The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, informed on Monday during the operative meeting of the municipal services held at  "Moldexpo", that in this way the Chisinau City Hall will manage more efficiently the large flow of refugees, taking into account that their number increases from one hour to another, and in the coming days it is assumed that there will be more people - Ukrainians and citizens different nationalities who will need help.

The General Mayor specified that the Chisinau City Hall has practically taken over the coordination and management of all the Placement Centers in the capital, and the biggest pressure is and will remain on the Chisinau municipality.

"We have prepared several placement spaces, but many are not heated. We are currently identifying other places where we could house refugees, as well as new human resources: workers and social workers, who will register and manage the wave of refugees ", Ion Ceban said.

According to the Mayor recently, certain deliveries and contracts for the purchase of medicines, infusion solutions and para pharmaceuticals have been stopped, especially those that were delivered through the port of Odesa, Ukraine. Thus, stocks of medicines in hospitals are available for a maximum of one month.

In this context, the Chisinau City Hall requests the Government and the Ministry of Health to order the purchase of medicines through simplified procedures, in order to avoid a drug crisis.

At the same time, the managers of the municipal medical institutions are mobilized to make reserves of pharmaceutical products, according to the profiles of the hospitals.

We mention that Commission for Emergency Situations has ordered the allocation of 5 million lei from the reserve fund of Chisinau City Hall, for the purchase of goods and services to ensure the need for temporary placement centers in the capital for refugees from Ukraine.



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