The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, had a meeting with the president of YMCA Moldova, Dumitru Roibu.

The General Mayor, Ion Ceban, had a meeting with the chairman of the YMCA Moldova organization, Dumitru Roibu, in the context of the official launch of a project addressed to teachers from Chisinau municipality, which aims to develop their digital skills, based on a course of online activities.

The project is carried out by YMCA Moldova, in partnership with HP Inc. and Verdant Company, and the Program was created with the support of Intel specialists.

So far, over 200 teachers from 35 educational institutions in Chisinau have registered for participation in the program.

The course will last eight months and will be held in Russian, with activities being established once a week. Also, several conferences will be organized, and at the end, at the YMCA Moldova headquarters, on Column 106, Chisinau, will be organized the graduation ceremony for the beneficiaries of the project. 

Upon graduation, each participant will receive a certificate of competency attestation, signed physically by the management of HP Inc. and Intel.

The information and overview session of the programme took place on 14 and 15 February 2024 in online format.

Recall that the Chisinau City Hall has signed a collaboration agreement with the YMCA Moldova organization, through which the parties have committed to cooperate on several areas, including, with a view to creating modern structures that enhance public security, the protection of human rights, the implementation of humanitarian and youth programs

Based on this agreement, in 2023, the YMCA Moldova organization made a donation of computers within a project to increase digital skills among young people in Moldova, over 1,900 units, worth about 35,000,000 Moldovan lei.

At the same time, YMCA Moldova donated 25 computers to the municipal incubator for the development of entrepreneurship, a project of the Chisinau City Hall, launched to support entrepreneurship and innovative spirit, having as objective the facilitation of the development and growth of start-ups in Chisinau. 


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