(Video) Moldovan-American School Summit "Connect through Science".


The Chisinau City Hall informs that on Saturday, April 27, the Moldovan-American School Summit was held in the capital, with the title: "Connect through science".

During the event, which took place at the "Ion and Doina Aldea Teodorovici" Theoretical High School in the capital, the most successful STEM/STEAM school initiatives from Chisinau and North Carolina were presented.

The activity was organised by the General Direction of Education, Youth and Sports in partnership with the Academy of Young Scientists of North Carolina, USA.

Thus, 100 talented students and 25 teachers from Chisinau and Wilmington, America, presented, for the first time, their STEAM school inventions during the first edition of the Moldovan-American School Summit.

The participants presented several school initiatives, addressing topics such as global warming, urban sustainability and environmental protection.

Attending the event, Deputy Mayor Angela Cutasevici said that this Summit will go down in history because young people from Moldova and America, through collaboration and science, have connected to science, providing humanity with solutions to the problems it faces every day.

Similarly, during the Summit, Australian-American expert Rob Condon, PhD in oceanology and science, Executive Director of the NGO "Young Scientist Academy" in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA presented the collaboration with our students on various STEAM initiatives, carried out for four months, twice a week, online and with physical presence, at the Cultural Center "America House Chisinau", under the title "Science Connects US" / "Connected Through Science".

The Moldovan students who participated in the collaborative project with US students are from the following institutions: "Spiru Haret" High School, "N.Sulac" High School, "Mihai Viteazul" High School, "Onisifor Ghibu" High School, "Vasile Alecsandri" High School, "D.Alighieri" High School, "Stefan cel Mare" High School, "Hyperion" High School, "OLIMP" High School, "Ion Creanga" High School and "Academia Copiilor" High School.

The most successful implemented projects were awarded.


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