The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The compliance for quality standards in community houses and child placement centers in Chisinau


City Hall of Chisinau municipality informs that under the Municipal Department for Child'Rights Protection  there are 7 placement services for children separated from parents, including 6 functional ones, which provide specialized care services for a specified period to children separated

from parents. A report on this topic was presented on Monday, at the meeting of the municipal services by Lucia Caciuc, Interim Head of the municipal Department for Child' Rights Protection.

The institutions providing placement services for children separated from parents from Chisinau municipality are:

Social service "Community house for children with severe disabilities" - 12 beneficiaries; Social service "Community house for children at risk" - 10 children; Municipal center for placement and rehabilitation for young children - 11 children; Center for childhood, adolescence and family - 17 children; Placement center " Gavroche House" - 20 children; Placement center for children - 20 children; Placement center "Teenage Territory" - 20 children.

The placement center for children separated from parents is a public or private social assistance institution that provides specialized social care services for a specified period to children separated from parents. The purpose of the Service is the temporary protection of the child separated from parents and family reintegration and / or community and social inclusion.

The center provides hosting, maintenance, food, counseling and psychosocial rehabilitation, development of cognitive, communication, behavior and relationship skills, training of the life skills (self-care, hygiene), support in homework preparing and assimilation of school programs, etc., in depending on the needs of the beneficiaries.

Through education methods (adapted to the age of the children), they are encouraged to adopt a healthy lifestyle, to understand the importance of personal hygiene (since most children come from families with low educational level and have not formed the proper hygiene habits), to maintain the cleanliness of their clothes. and the housing space, to attend the pre-school or pre-university education institution. Children are provided with personal hygiene items, underwear, clothing, etc.

Each child in the placement services is classified, according to their age and development needs, in the pre-school, primary, secondary, high school, vocational or vocational education institutions in the community.

The center ensure children with healthy, varied, qualitative and quantitative nutrition, taking into account their age, needs and preferences, in accordance with the legislation in force.

The MDCRP provides a comprehensive approach to child care, involving relevant specialists at all stages of the service, depending on he/she specific needs. Each child has an individualized care plan, which is reviewed every six months or as needed.

We should mention that the first Children's Placement Center in the Republic of  Moldova was created in Chisinau, as a result of the collaboration between the Municipal Department for Child' Rights Protection  with the European Children's Trust, currently S.A "EveryChild".