The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The Municipality has launched a new social service “Social Assisted Home”


The Chisinau City Hall informs that on August 22, 2023 have been launched a new social service, dedicated to children and teenagers of the capital who have lost their parental protection.

The social service “Social Assisted Home” is under the administration of General Direction of Children Rights Protection and has been developed with the support of UNICEF Moldova.

The “Social Assisted Home” is a facility that offers specialized social services of assistance for children and teenagers who have lost their parental protection, including the refugees, from 16 to 21 years old, who have left the care system.

The center offers a large spectrum of services for its beneficiary, offering them assistan

ce and support in shaping their independent life skills, informing them and advising them to continue their studies aiming the socio-professional integration.

Hence, with the support of UNICEF Moldova, while in service, 24 teenagers who are coming from the protection system of Chisinau Municipality will take advantage of the following: modern space for temporary hosting, full cover of costs and expenses for home maintenance, free of charge alimentation cards to cover their daily needs for food, goods of first necessity, as well as the support of qualified specialist arranging different activities for socialization to diminish the traumas.

To purchase the necessary clothes and shoes, the teenagers will receive a ticket of 8,000 MDL.

They will be provided with didactical materials for the process of specialized study. Every teenager who decides to continue their studies in a professional-technical institute will receive a set of necessary materials for their professional competences developments.

Mr. Ion Ceban, the Mayor of the capital city, who has attended the event, has mentioned that this way Chisinau Municipality aims to help the teenagers who are under the social risks, creating for them a friendly and inclusive environment, offering a chance for a better life. At the same time, the municipal authorities have addressed their gratitude for UNICEF Moldova for the collaboration to develop the project that has a significant impact on the life of municipal children.

The social service “Social Assisted Home” has been set up according to the individual necessities of the beneficiary and provides a family alike environment. This project has been accomplished based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Chisinau Municipality and UNICEF Moldova