The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Borlänge, Suedia


Borlänge is a locality in Dalarna County, Sweden.

It is the seat of the Borlänge Municipality and has a total population of 51,604 inhabitants as of 2017.

Borlänge has always been an industrial town surrounding the iron mill of Domnarvet (SSAB) and the paper mill of Kvarnsveden (Stora Enso). As a city with a structure heavily divided by rails and roads, with a modern city center, Borlänge also houses the head office for a state authority - the National Swedish Transport Administration Trafikverket.

The official Twinning Agreement was signed on January 9, 2009, in Borlänge, Sweden, by Mr. Nils Persson, mayor of Borlange and Mr. Dorin Chirtoaca, Mayor General of Chisinau.

Among the common achievements within the partnership between the two localities we can mention:

- Starting with 2010 - Granting the support in obtaining the information necessary to carry out the master's theses of the Swedish students in Chisinau, project carried out under the Twinning Agreement with Borlänge, Sweden. Each year, the Chisinau City Hall provided support for at least 2 students from various universities in Sweden, who completed in Chisinau the internship for writing master's theses on different topics;

- In the year 2012 the coordination with the partners from Borlänge and Piteşti took place the preparations for the penultimate meeting of the project "Management and Coordination Team" in Piteşti, Romania between August 28 - September 1. Result: the content of new projects to be implemented and implemented for the period 2013-2015 between Chisinau and Borlänge was established: a new project "Management and Coordination Team" - umbrella project for coordinating activities and actions jointly between the municipalities of Chisinau and Borlänge , the project "Public meal for happy citizens" - support granted and exchange of experience within the implementation of the method of self-service in the pre-university institutions in Chisinau municipality and the project "Youth project" - a project that aims at the exchange of experience between the young people from Chisinau and Borlänge in to achieve the main objective of active and consistent involvement of young people in the administrative process of the local public authority. The Swedish side, in cooperation with the Chisinau City Hall, submitted the application for obtaining the funding from the AIDS organization, through ICLD, to cover the expenses in the 3 projects mentioned and received a positive response;

- Between year 2013-2015, the implementation of joint projects "Management and coordination team" (1), "Good public meals for happy citizens" (2) and "Youth project" (3), financed by ICLD (Swedish International Center) was ensured. for Local Democracy) between Chisinau and Borlange, Sweden.

  • Following the "Youth project" project, a close cooperation of the young people from the Local Council of Children and Youth from Chisinau with the members of the Youth Council from Borlänge was exchanged by exchanging visions and ideas during the reciprocal visits, organized during the implementation period of the project.
  • Through the joint project "Good public meals for happy citizens", the specialists in the field of public food in Chisinau and Borlänge undertook bilateral working visits to study the children's feeding system according to the Swedish buffet model and to take up the good practices from the colleagues in Sweden. As a result of the project, in 69 schools and high schools in the capital there is the feeding of students according to the "Swedish buffet" model, following the investments made from the municipal budget for the repair and equipping of school canteens and the installation of self-service lines.

- In April 2013, the exchange of cultural experiences in the mirror between the municipality of Chisinau and the city of Borlänge, Sweden was ensured through the participation of the Chisinau band "Furiousnails" at a concert of the Swedish brand "Soulnight party";

- In collaboration with the partners from Borlänge, Sweden, in 2016 three project requests were submitted in the framework of a new call offered by ICLD, in order to ensure the continuity of the previous projects. Two of the requests regarding the "Management and coordination team" and "Improvement of the living conditions of people with psychological deficiencies" were accepted - pilot projects lasting half a year. Following the pilot project, in 2017, study visits were made, in which participants from DGETS and DMPDC met with the Swedish system of protection of children with psychological deficiencies and took up local practices in order to adapt them to the system in Chisinau .

- In 2018, in collaboration with the partners from Borlänge, Sweden, the application to the funding program of the ICLD (Swedish International Center for Local Democracy) was ensured: the Steering Committee project and the project "Collaboration between Borlänge and Chisinau for increasing the competence of the teaching staff in the field of Autism and ADHD" for a period of 3 years (2019-2021). The two cities applied for the joint project, the short-term objective being to increase the competences of teachers and specialists so that, in the long term, the school can provide better and more adequate support to meet the educational needs of children with autism and psychological deficiencies from both cities. The proposal was accepted for funding.

• During 2019, the project introduction visit took place, during which a group of 11 people from Borlänge, specialists in the field, visited Chisinau general schools and special schools, where children with autism and ADHD are enrolled. They laid the foundations of the collaboration for the next 3 years. In the autumn of the same year, a group of representatives of the local public authority of the municipality of Chisinau, consisting of heads of departments of different branches, visited the general and special schools in Borlänge commune. The purpose of the visit was to document and become familiar with the teaching practices of teachers interacting with children with Autism and ADHD and to set priorities for developing the competence of the teachers in Chisinau for the next 2 years of project implementation.