The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Employees at the Rescue Stations in Chisinau carry out verification tests to save people at risk


Chisinau City Hall informs that the employees of the Water Rescue Sections of the "Green Spaces Management Association" are currently conducting tests to verify the physical skills required to rescue people at risk.

Employees of the Water Rescue Section No. 2 performed the physical exercises prescribed in the S-2 task for water rescuers.

Thus, the water rescuers performed, against the clock, 200 meters freestyle swimming, 50 meters swimming with manikin extraction, rope throwing, sling throwing, canoeing on the boat at a distance of 25 meters.

Employee verification tests of the other Water Rescue Stations will continue on Wednesday at Lake "La Izvor", starting at 10:00 am.

The exercises are carried out at the beginning of each summer season and aim to increase the speed of reaction of rescuers in case of interventions on the water.