The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Functionality of online platforms "" and ""


The Chisinau City Hall informs that the online platform "", through which parents enroll their children in the kindergarten, is functional, the process being a continuous one. At the same time, the local public administration is currently in the process of evaluating the platforms for enrolling children in school or kindergarten via the Internet.

The submission of files for the institutionalization of preschoolers was also possible during the pandemic, because the "" platform offers this possibility of remote management of those processes. Statements to this effect made to the branch deputy mayor, Angela Cutasevici, at the operational meeting of the municipal services.

Referring to the "" platform, the Deputy Mayor specified that its functionality would be resumed after the issuance of the order of the Minister of Education, Culture and Research, which will announce the exact period for enrolling children in the first class. "This platform is to be adjusted, given the conditions for regulating the enrolments, which will be stipulated in the order of the competent ministry", noted Angela Cutasevici.