The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Granting financial aid to 93 people in Chisinau, who are in a difficult situation


The Municipal Commission for the Protection of Persons in Need, convened on Friday, May 29, decided to provide financial support to 93 citizens from Chisinau for a total of 474.4 thousand lei.

The money provided by the local public administration authorities is intended to prevent/diminish or overcome the situation of difficulty, as well as to prevent social exclusion.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the functioning of the social service "Cash Assistance support granted to disadvantaged approved families/persons", by the decision of CMC No. 6/11 of 10/04/2018, financial aid is provided to the beneficiary to meet needs (food, clothing, basic necessities) or for home renovation and / or repair/construction of the stove, adaptation of the house to human needs, purchase of fuel for cooking and heating in the cold season, purchase of furniture adapted to the needs established in the individual assistance plan.

The amount of cash assistance does not exceed the amount of 6000 lei.

A family/person applying to participate in the assistance of the Social Cash Support Service, intended for families/persons in difficulty, must meet the following conditions:

- are in a difficult situation, which is confirmed and based on the results of a needs assessment of a multidisciplinary group;

- members of a family/person in a difficult situation are citizens of the Republic of Moldova or, as the case may be, foreigners referred to in Art. 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 274 of December 27, 2011, on the integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova legally residing in the Chisinau municipality,

 - the family/person does not receive or did not receive assistance during the year during financial assistance within the framework of the social support service for families with children and is not in the full care of the state.