Plan for the renewal of the rolling stock of the public transport system in Chisinau municipality for 2020-2023
Decision No 6/3 of 19.05.2020 "On the approval of the plan for the renewal of the rolling stock of the public transport system of the municipality of Chisinau for the years 2020-2023"/„Cu privire la aprobarea planului de reinnoire a parcului rulant al sistemului de transport public din municipiul Chisinau pentru anii 2020-2023”.
Proposal of the working group, accepted by the CMC: purchase in 2020 of 100 buses, assembly of 30 trolleybuses and purchase of 18 articulated transport units.
In the second phase, a further 150 buses, 70 traditional trolleybuses and 20 articulated trolleybuses would be purchased.
Decision on the creation of the working group.