The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

World Refugee Day marked in Chisinau


Hundreds of refugees and representatives of non-governmental organizations marked World Refugee Day on Sunday in Chisinau's Alunelul Park, which was transformed into a "Casa Mare", a traditional Moldovan house that welcomes them all.

The refugees, together with representatives of civil society, welcomed the guests with various activities: cooking and handicraft workshops, bachata lessons, football matches, tree planting, interactive shows for children, etc.

Present at the event, Angela Cutasevici, deputy mayor of Chisinau municipality, thanked non-governmental organizations for their efforts in effectively managing the refugee crisis after the outbreak of war in Ukraine.

"Every year on June 20, the international community marks World Refugee Day. Official data show that since the beginning of the war in the neighboring country, 1.4 million Ukrainian refugees have entered the Republic of Moldova. More than 110 thousand Ukrainian refugees remain in the country. Many of those remaining choose to live in Chisinau, as the capital offers them more opportunities for development and social integration. Our mission as local authorities is to offer every refugee peace and security. We are working to develop school infrastructure so that every refugee child in Ukraine can enjoy the right to education. We have launched the municipal program "Startup for Youth and Migrants", which gives refugees the opportunity to start a business. The social and economic integration of every refugee is our priority," said Deputy Mayor of Chisinau municipality Angela Cutasevici.

Every year, on June 20, all countries of the world celebrate the strength and courage of those who have been forced to leave their homeland, fleeing conflict or persecution.

By joining the UN Convention relating to the Status of Refugees in 2001, the Republic of Moldova has taken on the obligation to protect people who have decided to seek refuge in our country.

Currently, almost 50 thousand Ukrainian refugees have temporary protection status in Moldova. Of these, more than 27 thousand refugees are in Chisinau municipality.