The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

Municipal Youth Forum 2023


Chisinau City Hall informs that on Sunday, August 20, 2023, in the capital city have taken place the Municipal Youth Forum – 2023.

The reunion held at Digital Park is one of the many events organized in the context of year 2023 – declared the year of youth at Chisinau Municipality.

At the forum have been presented results of the survey made among the youths of Chisinau Municipality. The survey has been made on a sample of 1800 youths between 14 – 25 years old that aimed to identify the issues that challenges them.

At the same event, have been arranged focus groups on main topics from the survey: personal development; employment and entrepreneurship abilities; civic engagement and engagement in the decisional process; discrimination and social inclusion.

At the event has been present the General Mayor, Mr. Ion Ceban, who has declared that the municipality has prioritized the development of youth sector, and the budget allocated to the youth sector has increased from 2 million MDL to 60 million MDL in the past 3 years.

According to the mayor, the municipal authorities have decided to offer to the youths the best conditions by building secured open spaces where they could feel comfortable, could create and make their contribution meanwhile developing their skills.

“Chisinau Municipality needs the energy, ideas and implication of the youths in the decisional process. We wish that they could realize their potential here, home, although they are the best ambassadors of our country, anywhere they arrive, no matter if it is France, Germany, United Kingdom of USA” has concluded the mayor of the capital city.

The deputy mayor, Mrs. Angela Cutasevici has mentioned that the city hall of the capital has designed the Youth’s Strategy for 2023-2028 that sets clearly the goals and development vectors of this sector. If in 2019 in Chisinau was only 1 youth center, today there are 5 centers, one in each district, equipped for youths necessities.

We have to mention that in 2023 – the year of Youth in Chisinau Municipality, the city hall has launched a project named “Start-up for youths”. Now, the municipality works at the creation of a business incubator that should be opened in the short time. IT will offer to the young entrepreneurs a work space for development and access to important resources to begin their path on entrepreneurship.