The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The Ceremony of awarding the municipal awards 2019


Chisinau City Hall informs that from the City Hall, Monday, October 14, 2019 or 12:00, at the Organ Hall, will be held Award ceremony of the laureates of the Municipal Merit Bursary for 2019.

Beneficiaries of the municipal bursaries, the 16th edition, are pupils from the general secondary education institutions and out-of-school education, sports schools, music schools, plastic arts and painting in the capital, who have achieved excellent learning outcomes and exceptional performances at municipal contests/competitions national and international at various school disciplines, as well as in the field of arts and sports, in the 2018-2019 school year. Also, among pupils who benefited the municipal bursaries are elderly persons, who have contributed substantially to the development and promotion of educational, scientific and cultural values.

The contest is based on the Regulation regarding the Merit Award for the encouragement of pupils, athletes and the elderly persons, approved by the Decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council no. 817 of 10.10.2013.

To obtain the municipal merit bursary award, the candidates submit their personal files for the competition. The directions concerned establish the commission, which determines the winners, based on the Regulation regarding the Merit Award.

Following the competition helded this year, General Department for Education, Youth and Sports has approved a list of 115 pupils, and the Culture Deprtment - a list of 50 pupils. The bursary value is 1500 lei.

The premiere event will held on October 14, 2019, at 12.00 pm, in the Organ Hall.