The official page of the Municipality of Chisinau

The General Mayor Visit to the Municipal Design Institute "CHIȘINĂUPROIECT"


The General Mayor, Ion Ceban and the Deputy Mayor Victor Chironda, visited today the Municipal Design Institute "CHIȘINĂUPROIECT", it is entity specialized in projects at the municipal level.

The head of the capital held a dialogue with the  whole staff of the CHIȘINĂUPROIECT team, where he spoke to them about the municipal administration's expectations for its specialists, with the setting of  short-term and medium-term tasks, developing the strategic documents,  also the need of updating the General Urban Development Plan of Chisinau municipality, approving the concept of sustainable development of Chisinau municipality, Urban Mobility plan , as well as the Zonal Urbanistic Plan for the historical center of the city, etc.

Ion Ceban noted that the Design Institute is a very important institution for the Chisinau municipality as for the Republic as a whole, based on the previous activity and the objectives outlined for the future. According to the Mayor, over a period of time, the potential of the institution and the objectives set were underestimated. "We are worried that currently, out of the total amount of work that you have, only 10 have been completed at the municipality's request, the rest are private projects. The number of municipal projects should increase, including due to budgetary allocations, and CHIȘINĂUPROIECT should become one of the main institutions that will contribute to the development of capital's cities" the Mayor emphasized.

Regarding the short-term objectives for the Institute, the Mayor talked about  the Concept on street trading, with schemes for its location, including in parks; rehabilitation of underpasses through public-private partnerships;   park modernization; restoration of the area near the Circus, the need for projects to improve multi-level parking lots, etc.

"We are in talks with several partners regarding the location of the parking lots and we also need your expertise, and in the city center, we want to arrange parking lots on roads in places that allow this," pointed Ion Ceban.

In addition, the Mayor took an interest about the problems which faced by the municipal design institute in its activities, about certain commitments that must be applied in the digital age, which would contribute to the services improvement. In this context, Ion Cheban reported on the benefits of obtaining specialized consultations from international experts, including those from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Bucharest and others who are ready to help the municipality in updating the city's strategic documents regarding of expertise, recommendation, supervision.

The head of the capital expressed hope that the institute "CHIȘINĂUPROIECT" will become an exemplary center for young designers, as well as representatives of the municipality who need certain knowledge on the development of the city.

Currently, the Institute   "Chișinău proiect"  has 140 employees, specialists in various fields of design. Recently, the institution celebrated its 45th anniversary.